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Azadi Ke Baad Novel by Howard Fast

Azadi Ke Baad Novel by Howard Fast

Howard Fast's Azadi Ke Baad Novel was translated into Urdu by Ahsan Ali Khan. This book depicts the fascinating and terrible aspects of the American Black Negroes' battle for freedom. It stands for the hopes and aspirations of people who have utilized firearms to accomplish their objectives.

With his enchanted pen, Howard Quick has uncovered the essence of American traditionalism, so it can't conceal its ugly face. Through his work, humankind's advancement and goodness have acquired a brilliance that can't be eradicated. The perusing of this novel is exceptionally essential and persuasive today when mankind has arrived at the finish of its excursion toward opportunity.

"Azadi Ke Baad" is Howard Quick's most memorable novel distributed in the Urdu language. A great many English-proficient individuals in the Indian subcontinent realize Howard Quick as an incredibly famous essayist and writer. Howard Quick is the writer of such famous books as "Opportunity Street," "Resident Tom Paine" and "Clarkton."

His books have been converted into many significant dialects and distributed in a large number of duplicates. In any case, Howardfast's name is new in Urdu. Along these lines, presenting him is vital.

Howard Quick is a renowned American essayist. He was one of a handful of the edified Americans to have seen, contacted, tasted, and cherished his nation so intently. He doesn't consider numerous dollars to be America's riches. He doesn't believe the nuclear bomb to be America's solidarity, and he doesn't see the style and charm of Broadway and Hollywood as the American ethos.

He trusts that the wellspring of this riches, profound quality, and influence is individuals, and individuals don't live in a couple of high rises in New York. Rather, they live in a huge number of small one-story houses in the valleys of America, live in camps made of unhewn logs, and work constantly like other people. They love their neighbors and take on the appearance of St Nick Claus to welcome presents to their kids on Christmas Day.

Howard portrays the brilliant, thoughtful, refined Americans who love one another and battle against mistreatment. All they can do is roll the dice and pray, yet they proceed with their battle regardless of whether they lose. Howard Quick isn't the creator of the plated facade introduced to us over American life. He strips off this facade and presents genuine American life to us so the American characters appear to us as the characters of India and Pakistan.

In "Azadi Ke Baad Novel," you will track down such a lovely image of the unfortunate American individuals. Among them are whites, blacks, taught, and uneducated people. Entrepreneurs and medieval rulers tempt certain individuals, while others battle to the death for a superior world. Howard takes us through a brilliant yet extremely difficult period in American history just after the Nationwide conflict.

At the point when the Negroes were liberated in South America, the grounds of white property managers were sold. How the subjugated Negroes made another local area close by the unfortunate whites around then. How were the Wells, Motels, and Schools constructed? At the point when Jeff had intercourse to daze eyes to bring light into them, the work of Gooden's dark hands bloomed as white cotton blossoms.

Then, how a few egotistical people enticed by industrialists and primitive rulers set off on a mission to obliterate this delightful world.

Through its dynamic characters, the original presents the sensational foundation of this large number of occasions. So fascinating and loaded up with human compassion that regardless of the power of scorn for the oppressors, the overwhelming inclination that arises in an individual's heart in the wake of perusing the novel is the information and experience of man, his tenderness, consideration, significance, and triumph over remorselessness and a pride.

You will find an impression of how much power Howard had in his pen in "Azadi Ke Baad." Dreading this power, the US government secured him in jail. However, who can detain positive contemplations and the force of the pen? Howard Quick's thoughts emerged from his pen and arrived at a great many individuals, making them their devotees.

Ahsan Ali Khan merits our congrats that he has deciphered this novel so flawlessly that the rich reflection and emotional style of Howard Quick's basic opinions have come into this interpretation.

The book "Azadi Ke Baad" is presently accessible in Pakistan virtual library in a great Pdf report for the investigation of our guests. Look at the accompanying connections to peruse on the web or download the total novel in Pdf design and appreciate disconnected perusing on your PC or cell phone.

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